myVPN testdoc

This document assumes that you have an Internet connection already present. Please follow the instructions below to configure Mac OS to connect to UBC's myVPN service.

Web-based VPN Client Setup

  1. Open your browser and go to the website
  2. Enter your CWL username and password and click Login.

    Note: If you are a member of a specialized departmental group, you can append your group id after the CWL username (e.g. cwluser.department). If you are not sure whether you need a departmental group, just enter your CWL username.

  3. The installation will begin and may take several minutes to complete. When presented with a security certificate prompt, click Trust to accept the certificate.

  4. If prompted to elevate permissions for installation, enter your Mac OS X Profile username and password and click OK.


  5. The installation will continue. If it fails, proceed to the Manual VPN Client Installation section. Otherwise, the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client window should read Connection Established.

  6. When the installation is completed, an icon will appear at the top menu bar of the desktop. You are now successfully connect to the UBC myVPN service. You can click on the icon to disconnect or quit.


Reconnecting to myVPN

You have 2 options in reconnecting to myVPN:

  • Go to and the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client should automatically launch.
  • If you would like connect without going to the website, use the installed client.
    1. Go to Applications -> Cisco- > Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client.
    2. In the Connect To: field, enter and click Select.
    3. Enter your CWL username and password, and click Connect.

      Note: If you are a member of a specialized departmental group, you can append your group id after the CWL username (e.g. cwluser.departmentgroup).myvpnosx7

Manual VPN Client Installation

  1. If the automated installation fails, you will be presented with a screen similar to the following. Click the link to continue.

  2. Save the file to your Desktop.

  3. Open the Mac OS X Terminal in your Applications/Utilities folder.

  4. At the command line, enter the following commands:
    cd ~/Desktop
    sudo ./

    enter your Mac OS X Profile password to proceed with the installation.
  5. When the installation is complete, you may close Terminal. In your browser, go back to website and login with your CWL username and password to connect.