Zoom Video Conferencing


Zoom Terms of Service Update: No changes to UBC users’ agreement.

In March 2023, Zoom introduced some changes to their terms of service to allow training Artificial Intelligence (AI) on user content without an option to opt-out. Since then, Zoom has clarified that customer data and terms are governed by their negotiated Master Services Agreement (MSA), not the Online Terms of Service

Zoom has assured that customer organization data related to audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments or other communications-like customer content is not used for training Zoom or third-party AI models without customer explicit consent, and that this update was made due to a process failure indicating that further review and clarification of scope for the updated terms was needed.

AI components are currently not available to the Health and Education sectors. In addition, the updated terms do not apply to customers with an Enterprise Zoom Education license. UBC’s contract with Zoom governs the terms for data ownership.

For more information on the Zoom terms of service update, visit the Zoom Blog at https://blog.zoom.us/zooms-term-service-ai/

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Features & Benefits

Zoom allows for video, audio, and screen sharing between participants. It can be used from any computer, laptop, tablet, or phone, and is compatible on PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

  • Accessible on multiple devices - Attendees can participate in meetings using smartphone, computer, or audio only.
  • Interactive and engaging - Collaborative whiteboard and annotation, and remote control of screen. Live polls can be prepared and used during the meeting, with live chat used to ask questions or provide visual feedback.
  • Security compliant - Zoom meets FERPA /HIPAA compliance and provides end-to-end encryption.
  • Accessibility for all learners - Ensures that everyone can participate equitably with closed captioning and keyboard shortcuts.


Sign Up Requirements

Getting Started


Zoom stores personal information on servers outside Canada. Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), it is acceptable to use Zoom provided that you use the following guidance:

  • Instructors should inform students that the Zoom servers are located outside Canada, and that they can maintain their privacy by logging in using only their first name or a nickname, turning off their camera, and muting their microphone.
  • Instructors may record lectures using Zoom but must keep these recordings secure and confidential.

Instructors may use Zoom for exam invigilation purposes as follows:

  • Instructors should inform students that the Zoom servers are located outside Canada, and that they can maintain their privacy by logging in using only their first name or a nickname, but if they do so they should register this name with their instructor in advance.
  • Instructors should also tell students that they will be required to keep their camera on, but the session will not be recorded by the instructor.
  • Students should be invited to a breakout room where they will be asked to hold up their Student ID cards, covering the first four digits of their student number, so that the instructor can check off the name on the class list. Alternatively, the instructor can set up extra "empty" breakout rooms and move students one at a time to that room for ID check before moving them back into their breakout room.
  • Instructors may not record invigilated sessions.

Staff and faculty members who are using Zoom for meetings and collaboration are free to do so, provided that they do not use the Record feature if they are discussing sensitive information. If they are meeting with a student or other individual who is not an employee of UBC, they should advise the individual that they can maintain their privacy by logging in using only their first name or a nickname.

