Encryption Decision Scenarios

  • NOTE: Laptop could be UBC provided or personal laptop that is used to conduct UBC Business
  Your Role Check Yes/No Recommendation
Scenario 1 You are a general department administrator who handles departmental HR and student data and
  • you have a laptop,
  • You store or take the laptop home with UBC business/staff HR/financial data occasional or all the time
  • You do not travel or take it abroad
  • Carry or use your Laptop for presentation and do local travel or commute to the office on public transport
If your answer is YES to any or all of the statements; please follow the recommendations column.
  • You should encrypt your laptop.
  • Consider storing all sensitive data on the secure network H:drive or other
  • Consider using Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) session from home via your home internet to connect to the data.
  • Use Web Mail to access your email
Scenario 2 You are a faculty member whose only use of PII data is related to his own course and students and
  • You use a laptop
  • You store or take the laptop home with UBC staff or student date
  • You do not travel or take it abroad
  • Carry or use your Laptop for presentation and do local travel or commute to the office on public transport
If you answer is YES to any or all of the statements; please follow the recommendations column
  • You should encrypt your laptop.
  • Consider storing all sensitive data on the secure network H:drive
  • Consider using Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) session from home via your home internet to connect to the data
  • Use Web Mail to access your email
Scenario 3
  • You are a faculty staff member whose only use of PII data is related to monitoring and maintaining Student courses, financial information and student contact information and
    • You use a laptop
    • You take it home
    • You do not travel or take it abroad
    • You take it home with Student HR data occasionally or the time
    • Carry or use your Laptop for presentation and do local travel or commute to the office on public transport
If you answer is YES to any or all of the statements; please follow the recommendations column
  • You should encrypt your laptop.
  • Consider storing all sensitive data on the secure network H:drive
  • Consider using Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) session from home via your home or hotel internet to connect to the data
  • Use Web Mail to access your email
Scenario 4
  • You are a faculty member whose only use of PII data is related to his own course students and
  • You use a laptop
  • You take your laptop home
  • You travel around the world to conferences with your laptop.
  • You travel to the Far East, Middle East, Africa and Russia>
(see encryption data restriction link for various countries) ( to be provided)
If your answer is YES to any or all of the statements; please follow the recommendations column.
  • You should encrypt your office laptop.
  • Consider storing all sensitive data on the secure network H:drive
  • Consider using Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) session from home via your home or hotel internet to connect to the data
  • Take a loaner laptop with you
  • Use Web Mail to access your email
Scenario 5
  • You are a staff member of the UBC financial department and you use a laptop and
  • You take it home with HR/financial data
  • Do not travel with the laptop
  • Carry or use your Laptop for presentation, data consolidation or communication
  • do local travel or commute to the office on public transport
If you answer is YES to any or all of the statements; please follow the recommendations column
  • You should encrypt your laptop.
  • Consider storing all sensitive data on the secure network H:drive
  • Consider using Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) session from home via your home internet to connect to the data.
  • Use Web Mail to access your email
Scenario 6
  • You are a member of UBCIT department and your role is in management or staff and you use a laptop
  • You store data and/or take the laptop home with HR/financial or other UBC project related data
  • You take you laptop with you while traveling
  • Carry or use your Laptop for presentation, data consolidation or communication
  • do local travel or commute to the office on public transport
If your answer is YES to any or all of the statements; please follow the recommendations column.
  • You should encrypt your laptop.
  • Consider storing all sensitive data on the secure network H:drive
  • Consider using Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) session from home via your home internet to connect to the data.
  • Use Web Mail to access your email
Scenario 7 You are a UBC staff member working in Recreation : Athletics/ Health Gyms or public facing departments and you use a laptop
  • You store PII, Credit Information and other personal contact information of your patrons
  • Use the laptop for communication and presentation
  • do local travel or commute to the office on public transport
If your answer is YES to any or all of the statements; please follow the recommendations column.
  • You should encrypt your laptop.
  • Consider storing all sensitive data on the secure network H:drive
  • Consider using Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) session from home via your home internet to connect to the data.
  • Use Web Mail to access your email
Scenario 8 You are a member of UBC Faculty, Staff, Admin or other departments and use a laptop but do not store any data on your local hard drive, you use VDI to access stored data from the H:drive or other drives with the network If you answer YES, you do not have to encrypt your laptop.  
  • We recommend you continue to use VDI and store your data on the network drives.
  • Use Web Mail to access your email