FASmail Known Issues

Microsoft Outlook

Members of a distribution list cannot be edited in Outlook 

In Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010, managers of distribution lists will not be able to edit the members in the distribution list properties even if proper permissions have been assigned. This is a known issue and we are currently working on correcting this behavior.

Outlook Web Access (mail.ubc.ca)

In Firefox 8.0, downloaded attachments will have their file extension changed to attachment.ashx 

There is a known compatibility issue with the new version of Firefox 8.0 and Exchange 2010. We are currently awaiting for a fix to be released by our vendor, Microsoft, in order to address this problem. In the meantime, please use one of these two workarounds:

  1. Rename the downloaded attachment to its proper file extension. (ie. for a Microsoft Word document, the file should be renamed from document.ashx to document.docx)
  2. Use an alternate browser such as Internet Explorer or Chrome to download attachments