Dormant accounts
Graduating and moving on? Check out our handy dormant account option for Netinfo and Interchange users.
If you won't be able to access your account for a while, you can save money by purchasing the dormant account option. This option allows your account to continue receiving email; however, you can't log in and read your mail until you reactivate your account. The dormant account option costs only $3.00 per 30-day period; all other account fees are waived during this period.
The dormant account option can be combined with email forwarding, which is a handy feature if you'll have access to another email address while you're out of town, or if you're moving to a new Internet Service Provider and want time to notify friends and mailing lists of your change in e-mail address. (Note: You must set up email forwarding yourself via the Manage your Account section of the Interchange website.)
The dormant account option is also sold to Netinfo users who are graduating this year. Use it in combination with email forwarding to make sure that none of your email gets lost when your free Netinfo account expires (in mid-November of the year you graduate).
Interchange Alumni Packages & Rates
A variety of alumni packages and additional options are available for UBC alumni.
Package | Featuires | Rates (per 30 days - 4 intervals max) |
Alumni 5 | 5 hours dial-up/30 days 200 MB mailbox space | $8.95 |
Alumni 20 | 20 hours dial-up/30 days 200 MB mailbox space | $11.95 |
Alumni 50 | 50 hours dial-up/30 days 200 MB mailbox space | $23.95 |
Rates are subject to applicable taxes. Unused dial-up time does not carry over to the next thirty-day interval. However, any extra dial-up time you purchase (see Options below) carries over until used up. |
If the services provided with your account do not completely meet your needs, you can customize your account with additional options at any time during the subscription period. However, if you find you need significantly more dial-up time or mailbox space than is provided with your account, it may be more cost-effective to upgrade to a higher level of package (e.g. from Express 5 to Express 20).
Option | Rates / Description |
Dormant account | $3.00 per 30-day period (all other account fees are waived during this dormant period) With this account you will not be able to log in to Interchange, but your e-mail will remain in your mailbox until you reactivate your account. |
Additional Dial-up time | $1.20 per hour (minimum purchase five hours) Any extra dial-up time you purchase carries over until you use it up. |
Extra electronic mailbox | $3.95 each for each thirty-day interval Available only to master accountholder's family members. Can't be used with Pine. |
Mailbox Space | $1.50 per 10 megabytes for each thirty-day interval |
Mailing lists | Free (up to 5) |
Billing - You can pay with debit card, cheque or cash deposit for up to four 30-day intervals at a time. You can cancel any of these services at any time; however, if you purchased a legacy 360-day subscription and you cancel it early, you will be subject to a small redemption fee.