Please see the attached announcement for the appointment and extension of Jennifer from Angela Redish, Provost and Vice President Academic pro tem, and Deborah Buszard, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
Read the Provost Announcement (PDF)
We are pleased to share that Jennifer Burns, Chief Information Officer, has been appointed as Associate Vice-President, Information Technology and has been approved for an extension of her appointment as Chief Information Officer on a five-year term starting on July 1, 2017.
Since stepping into the role as CIO, Jennifer has provided exemplary leadership, dedication, and a vision for excellence for the University. Her accomplishments as of late include establishing a robust IT Capital Planning process for major programs, guiding the procurement of a customer relationship management system for student recruitment, enhancing support for teaching and learning at UBC, and supporting Advanced Research Computing initiative for researchers to access high-performance computing.
Please join us in congratulating Jennifer on her new role. We wish her the best as she continues to shape and enhance information technology at UBC.