CIRS Unit Administrators

Area Type Home Dept. or Research Area Unit Admin for CIRS Approver
Hydro Commercial Space N/A (USI assists) Theresa Rollins Alberto Cayuela
NRC Commercial Space N/A (USI assists)
USI Rooms/Desks USI
CIRS Ops Rooms/Desks USI
BMA Lab Mech. Eng. (USI assists)
BSS Rooms/Desks Multiple (USI assists)
CREATE/SBSP Rooms/Desks IEQ Murray Hodgson Murray Hodgson
IEQ Rooms/Desks IEQ
C&CP Rooms/Desks C&CP Gisela Haarbrucker Nancy Knight
TREK Rooms/Desks C&CP Carmen Raiche de Araujo
CSO Rooms/Desks C&CP
CALP Rooms/Desks Forestry Adelle Airey Steve Sheppard
SALA Rooms/Desks SALA TBD (Ron Kellett for now) Ron Kellett
Psych Rooms/Desks Psych Matthew Smith Dusko Pijetlovic
ISIS incl. d.Studio Rooms/Desks Sauder Emma Gaiger Joanna Buczkowska
IPO Rooms/Desks Presidents Office Donna Lei Sharon Wu

The Unit Administrator is an individual often with a unit such as a department, research group or functional area located in a separate building away from a primary administrative unit or faculty. This person has the primary responsibility for administering and managing information specific to their unit that may be needed by the unit or UBC IT to change a user's building access privileges, acquire computer equipment, request changes access rights, add, update or revoke directory entries such as UBC Directory or Enterprise Active Directory, report user enablement and disablement requirements and submit service requests for specific users for services such as FASmail, home drive allocations or remote access.

Key Contacts for the Unit Administrator

The Unit Administrator works with:

  • Unit stakeholders:
    • Unit Approver. This individual within the unit approves new computer purchases, allows/denies access to unit-specific file shares, servers or applications, and has authority to charge to specific speed chart numbers. The Approver may have delegated approval authority to the Unit Administrator.
    • Unit Users. These are the staff that require adds or changes from services defined in the service catalogue, require computer-related equipment procurement, require access to buildings, additions to UBC directory, need printer access or require remote access. 
  • UBC IT stakeholders:
    • Client Services Manager. The Client Services Managers work with departments and faculties via the Unit Administrator in order to ensure smooth delivery of IT services. CSMs provide UBC IT groups with insight into client units, helping UBC IT teams resolve issues or achieve project goals. The client service manager (CSM) acts as a single point of contact for obtaining new services, resolving non-routine issues, and ensuring alignment between administrative, academic or research units, and UBC IT.
    • Service Providers. These are the groups that provide services as defined in UBC IT's service catalogue. Many services the Unit Administrator may require may be from the Desktop Services service provider.

Roles and Responsibilities

Unit Administrator

The Unit Administrator:

  • Defines the speed chart number and prepares specifications for items that have a cost impact to the unit:
    • Increases in disk space allocation for the unit file shares, or specific users home drive allocations
    • Procurement of new hardware and supplies
    • Printer release codes
    • FASmail, home drives for non-eligible users
  • Defines user access needs for:
    • Unit's file shares
    • Buildings, rooms and doors via ACMS
    • UBC Directory visibility
    • FASmail
    • Home drives
  • Primary recipient for information regarding scheduled and unscheduled IT outages
  • Approves items as delegated to him/her from the Unit Approver

Unit Approver

The Unit Approver:

  • Supplies the speed chart number and can approve or deny items that have a cost impact to the unit:
    • Increases in disk space allocation for the unit file shares, or specific users home drive allocations
    • Procurement of new hardware and supplies
    • Printer release codes
    • FASmail, home drives for non-eligible users
  • Approves or deny access to:
    • Unit's file shares
    • Buildings, rooms and doors via ACMS
    • UBC Directory visibility
    • FASmail
    • Home drives
  • May delegate his/her authority to the Unit Administrator
  • Receives summary information regarding scheduled and unscheduled IT outages
  • May act as a secondary Unit Administrator