UBC IT Ultimate Typing Championship

Thanks for participating in the first UBC IT Ultimate Typing Championship!

Congratulations to Cindy Li from UBC IT on placing first with 91.8 WPM!

First place โ€“ Cindy Li, UBC IT; 91.8 WPM
Second place โ€“ Tony Wan, Botany; 90 WPM
Third place โ€“ Emily Krijgsman, UBC IT; 84.8 WPM

Here are the results of the top 20 typists:

Rank First Name Last Name Department WPM
1 Cindy Li UBC IT 91.8
2 Tony Wan Botany 90.0
3 Emily Krijgsman UBC IT 84.8
4 Shaun Woodruff Physics and Astronomy 83.6
5 Maria Yeung UBC IT 82.2
6 Hanson Do UBC IT 81.4
7 Misha Laurenstein Faculty of Graduate Studies 77.8
8 Gary Khoo Sauder IT 77.2
9 Eunice MacCharles UBC IT 75.7
10 Tomasz Konefal UBC IT 70.4
11 Brady Chu UBC IT 69.4
12 Ben Jan UBC REC 67.6
13 Amelia Wat UBC IT 65.8
14 Miki Yoshida UBC IT 64.6
15 Kelli Fitzmaurice Enrolment Services 62.0
16 Geoff Luk UBC IT 61.4
17 Andy LeBlanc Zoology 61.2
18 Simon Tai UBC IT 61.2
19 Michael Rogers UBC IT 60.4
20 Devin Kettle UBC IT 60.2