Uninstall NVivo

Uninstall NVivo for Mac

*Before uninstalling NVivo for Mac, the program should first be deactivated to remove any license information.

To deactivate NVivo, follow these instructions:

  1. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet.
  2. Close all NVivo projects before deactivating the license. On the menu bar, choose File > Close.
  3. On the menu bar, choose Nvivo > Licensing > Deactivate
  4. Click Yes to confirm. NVivo will deactivate the license and display a message confirming that the license has been deactivated.
  5. To finish uninstalling, drag the NVivo icon to the trash bin on your desktop.



Uninstall NVivo for Windows

*Before uninstalling NVivo for Windows, the program should first be deactivated to remove any license information.

To deactivate NVivo, follow these instructions:

  1. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet.
  2. Close all NVivo projects before deactivating the license. On the menu bar, choose File > Close.
  3. On the menu bar, choose File > Help > Deactivate License
  4. Click Yes to confirm. NVivo will deactivate the license and display a message confirming that the license has been deactivated.
  5. Click OK.
  6. The NVivo application will automatically close.
  7. Then, uninstall NVivo through the Control Panel. For computers running Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, use Uninstall a program. For computers running Windows XP, use Add or Remove Programs.