Other Mathematical and Statistical Software

This page lists other Mathematical and Statistical software not offered directly by UBC IT.

STATA is available available directly from StataCorp LP.

Stata is available for purchase at GradPlan pricing (student-pricing) by students enrolled and faculty teaching at the University of British Columbia. The prices represent a substantial discount off the already-discounted academic price of Stata. The software offered through the Stata GradPlan is not student software; that is, it is in no way limited in terms of features. Be sure to include your UBC.CA email address when ordering.

To order a copy , contact StataCorp directly:

Phone: 800-248-8272 (Monday through Friday 8:00 to 5:00 Central Time) Fax: 979-696-4601 Online: http://www.stata.com/order/new/edu/gradplans/cgpcampus-order.html

Ordering online is easiest! Payment may be by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) or a faxed university purchase order.


The Faculty of Forestry has Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software from ESRI.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Software

ESRI software includes ArcGIS’s ArcInfo and ArcView (ArcMap & ArcCatalog) ArcSDE, ArcIMS, ArcServer, ArcEngine and ArcPad. Free ESRI Virtual Campus courses are also available.

This software is available in five packages; $25. one year ArcView Student Edition, $500. a year but only ArcView in a lab installation, $1000. a year for any ESRI software but only on one computer, $2500. a year but only ArcInfo in a lab installation, and $5000. a year for unlimited copies of all ESRI software at your UBC unit.

The one-year Student Edition of ArcView includes Spatial, Geostatistical, Network, and 3D Analyst extensions. This software can be purchased from the receptionist in room 2045, Forest Sciences Centre with $25.00 and presentation of your UBC card. This software has to be ordered on a per DVD basis so availability is limited. Class sets need to be ordered at least 2 months in advance.

For more information please go to UBC’s GIS web site; http://gis.ubc.ca or contact Jerry Maedel, the site license coordinator for Facutly of Forestry at jerry.maedel @_ubc.ca


JMP is not offered by UBC IT but is available via our association with e-Academy Inc.

For more information or to purchase JMP, please visit the e-Academy online store .


The department of Electrical and Computer Engineering holds the license for LabView and has made it available for any faculty/staff/grad student.

To acquire the software, please have your own departmental IT administrator/group contact Electrical and Computer Engineering at help@ece.ubc.ca