In order to install and activate Office 365, please follow the instructions below:
1. Get started by going to, and clicking on "Download Office 365"
2. After you are taken to the next page, click on the software that you would like to download (alternatively, click on "Start Shopping")
3. You will then be taken to a CWL login page, where you can login with your CWL
4. After logging in, you will be taken back to your "shopping cart", click on "Add to Cart" and then "Check Out"
5. You will then be asked to confirm that you are an eligible student at UBC by signing your username (CWL) and Signature (simply type your name).
6. After confirmation, you will be asked for your Contact Information. Simply enter your first name, last name, and email before clicking proceed with order.
7. Your order has now been placed and you should see subscription information that includes your Office 365 User Name and your Temporary Password.
8. You will then receive an automated message that includes a link to download Office 365, click the link in the email.
9. You should be taken to the Microsoft Online website. Sign in with your new user name and temporary password (the ones that were in the email)
10. Update your temporary password to something unique and memorable.
11. Finally, click on "Install" to complete the process and install the latest version of Office onto your device.