Uninstall NVivo for Mac
*Before uninstalling NVivo for Mac, the program should first be deactivated to remove any license information.
To deactivate NVivo, follow these instructions:
- Ensure that you are connected to the Internet.
- Close all NVivo projects before deactivating the license. On the menu bar, choose File > Close.
- On the menu bar, choose Nvivo > Licensing > Deactivate
- Click Yes to confirm. NVivo will deactivate the license and display a message confirming that the license has been deactivated.
- To finish uninstalling, drag the NVivo icon to the trash bin on your desktop.
Uninstall NVivo for Windows
*Before uninstalling NVivo for Windows, the program should first be deactivated to remove any license information.
To deactivate NVivo, follow these instructions:
- Ensure that you are connected to the Internet.
- Close all NVivo projects before deactivating the license. On the menu bar, choose File > Close.
- On the menu bar, choose File > Help > Deactivate License
- Click Yes to confirm. NVivo will deactivate the license and display a message confirming that the license has been deactivated.
- Click OK.
- The NVivo application will automatically close.
- Then, uninstall NVivo through the Control Panel. For computers running Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, use Uninstall a program. For computers running Windows XP, use Add or Remove Programs.