SSH Setup Documents

Windows users

PuTTY Setup

  1. PuTTY is a windows-based SSH client for accessing Pine. You can download PuTTY at - when the download window opens, save the file in an easily accessible location.
  2. Once PuTTY has been downloaded, double-click on the file to open it. A window called PuTTY Configuration will appear.
    • Enter in the Host Name box. Click on the Open button.


  3. A window will appear called PuTTY Security Alert . Click Yes to continue.
  4. When prompted, enter your CWL username and password.


Congratulations! You now have access to your Interchange e-mail account through Pine. To access your e-mails in the future, simply open the PuTTY application from wherever you've saved it.

Mac OS Users

  1. To access Pine on a Macintosh computer, you will need to use the Terminal, which can be found in Applications > Utilities. In the terminal window, type in ssh .
  2. When prompted, enter your CWL username and password.

Congratulations! You now have access to your e-mail through SSH.