Beginning on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, the size of user mailboxes for all Faculty and Staff email accounts (FASmail) will be increasing from 1GB to 5GB of free space. There is no price increase associated with this change, and no action is needed on your part as your mailbox size will be automatically increased.
In addition, we will be increasing the size of group email accounts to help you work even more productively. Group mailbox accounts will have their storage sizes increased from 200MB to 1GB of space. With this increase, you’ll have plenty of room to store everything needed for projects and collaboration.
The FASmail service is an enterprise email service for eligible staff, faculty and student employees of the University of British Columbia. If you do not already have an account, you can learn more about the service in the video below.
If you have any questions regarding this increase, please contact the UBC IT Help Desk at 604-822-2008 or at