October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and on October 18, 2018, UBC IT's Cybersecurity Team hosted the inagural UBC Cybersecurity Summit event. Guest speaker Don Costello from the BC Government's Office of the CIO Information Security Branch spoke to more than 100 attendees about how to stay safe both at home and at work, followed by an open house to meet the members of our own cybersecurity team at UBC, and the technologies they are using to keep the univeresity safe.
Congratulations to Alexia Lee from Financial Reporting for winning the draw prize of an Apple Watch!
More cybersecurity events are happening this month. Be sure to check out the hot lunch featuring our Chief Information Security Officer, Don Thompson, and the Pit Stop in the Okanagan. More information can be found on the privacy matters website at https://privacymatters.ubc.ca/events