Voice Requests - Requesting Access to the Pinnacle System

If you need access to the UBC IT Billing System to place requests or view billing reports then you need to complete the following steps:

Step 1: 

Have your Dean, Director, Department Head, or a senior department member who is authorized to charge against your FMS accounts, to fill out the web form at http://web.it.ubc.ca/forms/isf/ confirming your authority to act on the department's behalf.

This authorizing email should indicate the following:

His/her name and title

Your full name

Your email address

Your phone number

Your Campus-Wide Login username


Step 2: 

Request access to the Portal by completing the online form at http://web.it.ubc.ca/forms/voice.

After completing the form, you will be contacted within 1 to 2 business days. Please do not fill in this form more than once.


If you have any questions about gaining access to the Pinnacle Portal, you can contact Voice Services by phone at 2-2555 or through the web form at http://web.it.ubc.ca/forms/isf/.