Advanced Maintenance


What is a mailing list configuration file?

The configuration file is a carefully formatted document that Majordomo uses to define the attributes and behaviour of the mailing list. It can only be changed by e-mailing complete edited copies of the file to Majordomo. Editing the configuration file can be a very tricky procedure and can cause more problems that it's worth.

It's recommended that you use the online interface available in the Interchange website's Manage Your Account section.

How do I retrieve the configuration file for my mailing list?

To retrieve the current config file, send an Email to with the following in the body of the message: config mailing-list password where 'mailing-list' is the name of the mailing list (eg: cat-fans) and 'password' is the mailing list password. Here is an example: config cat-fans password

How do I make changes to the configuration file?

Please note that modifying the config file is not recommended and may result in problems with your Mailing List. In most cases, you should be able to perform all necessary function using the web-based Mailing List Management Utility. If you feel comfortable modifying the configuration file, you may proceed.

The text of the configuration file is sent to you via email after you request it. The text of this message must be copied into a new message addressed to There are a few lines of text that must be deleted from this message. This includes anything that appears before the words: # The configuration file for a majordomo mailing list. and after the words/line: who_access = ...

On the first line of this new message, the following command must appear: newconfig mailing-list password where 'mailing-list' is the name of the mailing list (eg: cat-fans) and 'password' is the mailing list password. Here is an example: newconfig cat-fans password

Changes should take effect immediately.

How do I stop people from accidentally replying to the mailing list, instead of the sender?

If the reply-to field is set to the mailing list, people tend to accidentally reply to the whole list instead of the sender. This can irritate other subscribers by filling up their INBOXes with unwanted Emails. To avoid this, you can change the reply-to field to use the sender's address.

This option is available in the Options section of the web-based Mailing List Management Utility . You can select one of the following options:

  • Reply To:
    • List: All replies are sent back to the list.
    • Owner: All replies are sent back to the list owner.
    • Sender: A "reply" is sent back to the message sender. A "reply all" is sent back to the list.

Click on Update to confirm your change.

If you want to make this change via Email (not recommended), you must retrieve the config file and send it back with the following changes:

Change the following line from: reply_to = mailing-list to read: reply_to = $SENDER

Note: You can also set the 'reply-to' field to a specific email address.

How do I make a mailing list moderated?

A moderated list requires an administrator's approval for subscribers to send messages. Moderation can be established from the web-based Mailing List Management Utility (Click on Options in the web utility and choose Yes next to 'Moderated', then Update).

If you want to make this change via Email (not recommended), you must retrieve the config file and send it back with the following changes.

Moderation can also be established by editing the line in the config file: moderate = no to equal 'yes'. Moderation allows you to review each message for appropriateness before it's sent to the list, but it can be very time consuming on a busy list.

How do I approve messages to my moderated list?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to approve messages on a moderated mailing list using Majordomo. It involves a lot of copying, cutting and pasting to get it working properly. Moderated lists are not recommended due to the complicated nature of the approval process. Problems also arise if you want to approve a message containing an attachment. Although it is possible to get it to work, it isn't straightforward and the body of the message is also delivered as an attachment which might be a little confusing for list members at first. Please refer to this document for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to approve messages to your moderated list.

How do I approve messages to my unmoderated mailing list if my posting policy is set to Admin?

If your mailing list is an unmoderated list but your posting policy is set to "Admin" (only Administrators can post to it) then all messages sent to the mailing list from list members will bounce to the list owner (and list administrators.)

To post to the list, you must place the line: Approved: password followed by a blank line at the very beginning of your message. In the above example, 'password' is the mailing list's "Approve password" found in the Admin section of the Mailing List Management Utility .

Ensure that you are using plain text format when sending messages. Messages sent in HTML will result in delivery failures.

What are mailing list digests and how can I enable this feature?

This is an option that you can enable from the web-based Mailing List Management Utility in the Options section. A digest takes all the mailing list postings for one day and puts them into a single Email message in an ordered fashion, complete with a table of contents. This message can be sent out on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis. With a regular undigested mailing list, each separate posting arrives as it is sent. If this feature is enabled, you can specify (in the Users section) which people on your list will receive a digest summary message and which will receive the messages as soon as they are sent.

Can some list users only receive the digest, and others receive messages as they are posted to the list?

Yes. Once you have enabled Archive/Digest mode in the Options section of the web-based Mailing List Management Utility , you will notice that the Users section looks a little different. You can now highlight a user in the List Subscribers box and modify their status to be either a (R)egular user, a (D)igest user, or (B)oth.

  • The (R)egular user will receive all messages as they are posted.
  • The (D)igest user will receive one summary message at the end of each interval which is specified in the Options section (day, week, month.)
  • The user who has (B)oth selected will get copies off all messages as they are sent and a summary message at the end of each interval specified in the Options section.

What is Administrivia?

When Administrivia is enabled, it looks for Majordomo commands (subscribe and unsubscribe requests) in messages sent to the list itself (as opposed to

This option can be set in the web-based Mailing List Management Utility (under Options) or through the config file. It is known to cause some problems, and so it is not recommended for use.