Benefits of Secure Email

Cable, ADSL, and Wireless have made it possible to access the internet practically anywhere, from UBC's campus to airports and coffee shops.

While having access to the internet in these places is convenient, it also increases the risk of exposing your email username, password, and messages to others. Wireless, in particular, has made it easier for people to capture unencrypted email and password information.

Secure email services for Netinfo/Interchange encrypts and protects information as it is sent from your computer to the mail servers. And in the process, the risk of someone intercepting your account password and email is substantially reduced.

Features and Benefits

1. You can receive and manage your email in more than one way

Download messages using secure POPS or keep messages on the server by using IMAPS (a new service). Find out more about the differences between IMAPS and POPS.

2. Improved roaming access

The introduction of IMAPS, a secure email service, provides you with a better way to access your email from more than one place. You can maintain and organize your email on the server, and see exactly the same structure at work, at home, and within myUBC Webmail.

3. Send email using Netinfo/Interchange when you are off-campus

Some internet service providers (like Telus ADSL) prevent their subscribers from using a third-party outgoing (SMTP) mail server. With secure email services, you can use the Netinfo/Interchange outgoing mail server at UBC, at home, or anywhere. One configuration should work from any location.