Reporting Security Incidents

The following computer security incidents should be reported. If you are not certain a violation has occurred, err on the side of caution and report the incident anyway.

  • Hacks & Cracks -- whether successful or merely attempted
  • Incidents of computer fraud, denial of service, system penetration or tampering
  • Unauthorized use, alteration or destruction of data, software and equipment
  • Unauthorized access to computing facilities
  • Unauthorized use of computing and network services and equipment
  • Unauthorized access to and distribution of confidential information
  • Use of UBC computing facilities to commit illegal acts
  • Use of email to harass or threaten (if you feel your immediate safety is in danger, please contact your local police detachment ASAP)
  • Use of malicious code such as viruses, worms, trojan horses, and logic bombs
  • All violations of UBC IT policies, including Acceptable Use and Security of UBC Electronic Information and Systems (Policy SC14)
  • Spam coming from UBC sources
  • Theft of computing equipment (Report to UBC Campus Security @ 604-822-2222)

Incident Report Procedure

Report all incidents to the IT security office at unless otherwise indicated..

Successful and Attempted Computer Break-Ins

This would include hacking, probing, scanning, denial of service attacks, etc. Please forward a copy of relevant logs containing date, time, source IP address, destination IP address and port numbers. Also, please include the time zone your logs are time stamped. If you have any other pertinent information, please include that in your incident report.

Unauthorized Access to Computer Account

Change your password immediately to help prevent further unauthorized access to your computer account. Document changes which have been made to your account or by your account, and the names of people who knew the password to your account.  Also, please include the date/time of any changes made to or by your account and the suspected date/time of the initial compromise of your account.

Complaints about Email

This would include spam, virus-infected emails, harassing emails, etc. Please include the full headers for the email you are reporting. In the case of virus-infected emails, please provide the name of the virus as identified by your anti-virus software. Threatening or harassing emails should also be reported to your local police department.