Configuring Mac OS X 10.3 or 10.4 for VPN

This document assumes that you have an Internet connection already present.

Please follow the instructions below to configure Mac OS X 10.3 or 10.4 to connect to UBC's VPN service.

Establishing a VPN Connection

  1. From your Applications folder, open Internet Connect.
  2. When the program opens, select New VPN Connection Window from the File menu.
  3. A pop-up window will appear asking you to choose which kind of VPN protocol you would like configure. Select PPTP and click Continue.

    Screen shot of prompt to configure computer for VPN

  4. You will now be presented with a VPN Connection window. Leave Configuration set to Other.
  5. For Server address
    • If you are associated with the UBC-Vancouver campus, type:
    • If you are associated with the UBC-Okanagan campus, type:
  6. For Account Name and Password, enter your Campus-wide Login (CWL) account information. If you do not have a CWL account, you can sign up for a CWL account.

Screen shot of VPN connecting window

  1. Click on Connect. It may take a few moments to connect to the VPN server. Please be patient.
  2. The Status line at the bottom of the VPN Connection window will let you know if you successfully connected.
  3. When you are ready to disconnect, open Internet Connect and from the VPN Connection window, click Disconnect.