Digital Signage


With the number of displays on UBC campus growing rapidly, digital signage is one of the most versatile ways to communicate with the UBC community. The UBC IT Audio Visual Services digital signage team offers both hardware infrastructure and software solutions to quickly and efficiently bring multimedia content through flat panel displays into your space. Even if you don’t own signage, you can still provide content for the UBC digital signage network. Please contact us for more details.

Features & Benefits

  • Cost efficient
    a single enterprise licensing fee for all software required to run the service. A single set of virtual servers to support all Units.
  • Content sharing
    Units can selectively share digital assets.
  • Common broadcast medium
    a single common emergency broadcast message can be issued across all displays connected to this service.



Any UBC-affiliated group wishing to manage and schedule digital content for their display signage.


Costs covered by UBC IT:

  • Server Infrastructure
  • Licensing (CoolSign, MS SQL Server 2008)
  • Networking infrastructure
  • Operational maintenance (firewall, monitoring, backup/restore, etc.)
  • Support (trouble calls related to the digital signage service)
  • CoolSign software installation and configuration for manager and player nodes
  • CoolSign software manager application usage training (and documentation)
  • Content creation training (basics)

Expected costs covered by the UBC-affiliated Unit:

  • Flat Panel Display(s)
  • Display panel installations costs (e.g. electrical, data ports, etc.)
  • Display PCs
  • Manager PCs/Laptops
  • Content creation

For a more detailed breakdown of the costs, visit Digital Signage.

Further Information

Getting Started
