UBC Information Security Standards Review


To ensure that UBC’s confidential data and information systems are safe from a data breach, the university has Information Security Standards that govern the use and protection of university data and computing resources. As required by Policy SC14, Acceptable Use and Security of UBC Electronic Information and Systems, all faculty and staff are responsible and accountable for following these standards.

These Information Security Standards are subject to periodic reviews to adapt to changing expectations and risks. The next review cycle begins this year and your input is needed.

All faculty and staff are invited to provide feedback on the current Information Security Standards by April 06, 2018. Feedback can be provided by using an online form https://privacymatters.ubc.ca/issreview or by sending an email to privacy.matters@ubc.ca.

The current information security standards can be found at https://cio.ubc.ca/information-security-standards 

All feedback will be forwarded to the members of a review team made up of staff and faculty members for analysis. The team will then publish draft amendments to the standards for comment by the campus community. The team will then make final amendments and forward them to the Chief Information Officer for approval.

More information about the process can be found at https://cio.ubc.ca/security-standards-review