Equipment Sales


UBC IT Audio Visual Services provides pricing and sales of AV equipment and AV supplies to UBC students, faculty and staff.

Some commonly requested items include:

  • Projectors and replacement lamps
  • Projection screens
  • Batteries (all types)
  • Computer accessories (cables, drives, presentation remotes)
  • Wireless keyboards and mice

Please note that DisplayPort adapters and cables (usually for laptops and tablets) are available for purchase at the UBC Bookstore. Please bring in your computer to ensure that it gets fitted with the right type of adapter.


  • You can pay by Speedchart or by Visa
  • We sell many items at competitive below-market prices. Please let us know what you want to buy and we will send you a quote.

Getting Started

  • For advice on purchasing AV equipment and supplies to meet your unique needs, please contact the AV Help Desk
