Microsoft Price Listing

Microsoft Select Agreement allows UBC departments to purchase Microsoft Products at a very competitive price through UBC IT. As Microsoft has hundreds of products available and we only provide the most commonly used applications. Please contact us if you wish to inquire about the availablility of other Microsoft software products not listed. Note: UBC IT does not offer Software Assurance.

To order, please mail or drop off a Journal Voucher to

UBC IT Software Licensing
Room 209 - 6356 Agricultural Road
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2
LSK Building
Campus Mail ZONE 2

Please ensure to include the following information on the JV:

  • Your CWL login name
  • Your first and last name, department, and email address
  • Speedchart and authorization signatures
  • To download the software, please have your IT administrator contact the UBC IT Accounts department for access to the share folders.

Okanagan Campus: Please contact IT, Media & Classroom Services to order.

Pricing for Microsoft products are subject to change without notice.

Office Applications

* Note: Office is part of the UBC Microsoft Campus Wide Agreement which is available for any UBC owned computer (see here for details).

Product Price for Faculty/Staff at UBC using UBC owned asset
Office 2016 Standard Covered under Campus Agreement
Office 2016 Professional Plus Covered under Campus Agreement
Office 2016 for Mac Covered under Campus Agreement
Project 2016 Standard Covered under Campus Agreement
Project 2016 Professional Covered under Campus Agreement
Visio 2016 Standard Covered under Campus Agreement
Visio 2016 Professional Covered under Campus Agreement

Desktop Operating Systems

* Note: Windows OS is part of the UBC Microsoft Campus Wide Agreement which is available for any UBC owned computer (see here for details).

Product Price for Faculty/Staff at UBC using UBC owned asset
Windows 10.1 Professional (upgrade only) Covered under Campus Agreement

Server Operating Systems and Applications

Product Price
Windows Server

Windows Server 2016 Standard (2 core)

  • Each physical server is required to be licensed for all physical cores.
  • Each physical processor is required to be licensed with a minimum of 8 physical cores.
  • Each physical server is required to be licensed with a minimum of two processors, totaling a minimum of 16 physical cores.
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Windows Server 2016 DataCenter (2 core)

  • Each physical server is required to be licensed for all physical cores.
  • Each physical processor is required to be licensed with a minimum of 8 physical cores.
  • Each physical server is required to be licensed with a minimum of two processors, totaling a minimum of 16 physical cores.
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Exchange Server 2016 Standard Request a quote
Exchange Server 2016 Enterprise Request a quote
Exchange 2016 Standard User/Device
Client Access License (CAL)
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Exchange 2016 Enterprise User/Device
Client Access License (additive CAL)
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SQL Server 2016 Standard
server license (requires CALs)
* Note: installation on a virtualization farm
may require purchase of Software Assurance.
Please contact us if this applies

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SQL Server 2016 Standard
2 core license
(no CALS required)
(minimum 4 cores must be purchased)
* Note: installation on a virtualization farm
may require purchase of Software Assurance.
Please contact us if this applies
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SQL Server 2016 Enterprise
2 core license
(no CALS required)
(minimum 4 cores must be purchased)
* Note: installation on a virtualization farm
may require purchase of Software Assurance.
Please contact us if this applies
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SQL Server 2016 Developer Request a quote
SQL 2014 User/Device
Client Access License (CAL)
Request a quote
Skype For Business Server 2015
Skype For Business Server 2015 Request a quote
Skype For Business Server Standard 2015 User/Device
Client Access License (CAL)

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Skype For Business Server Enterprise 2015 User/Device
Client Access License (CAL)
Request a quote
Skype For Business Server Plus 2015 User/Device
Client Access License (CAL)
Request a quote
SharePoint Server 2016 Request a quote
SharePoint 2016 Standard User/Device
Client Access License (CAL)

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SharePoint 2016 Standard User/Device
Client Access License (CAL) Students
Request a quote
SharePoint 2016 Enterprise User/Device
Client Access License (additive CAL)
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Project Server
Project Server 2016 Request a quote
Project 2016 User/Device
Client Access License (CAL)

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Other Software Options

Product Price
Visual Studio 2017 Professional*
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More Information

Product Issue
Visual Studio

Visual Studio can have subscriptions to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). There are different levels of MSDN and thus different pricing. Please see the following websites for more information. If you wish to get a quote, please contact us .

What is MSDN?

MSDN Subscriptions

Visual Studio Product Line Overview

Visual Studio + MSDN Subscriptions

Microsoft Office

Here is a table that compares the different versions of Microsoft Office

Known Issues with Microsoft Products

Note: patches and updates from Microsoft or software vendors may resolve the issues listed.

Product Issue
Office 2007 applications (Word, Excel, etc)

By default, Microsoft Word will save documents in the new standard file format ending in .docx
This file format cannot be opened by older versions of Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word, including MS Office 2000, XP, 2003, etc.
If someone wishes to send a file to be opened by older versions of MS Office/Word, you must explicity save it in a compatible format using File -> Save As -> Save as Type .
This will occur similarily for other MS Office applications.

Older Office versions can get this update to work with the new Office XML format:

Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 is 64 bit only.
Windows Server 2008(non R2) is available for both 32 bit and 64 bit.