

Why didn't I get the message that was sent to the mailing list?

There are a few possible reasons:
  • You may not be on your mailing list. Make sure your email address is subscribed to the mailing list. The list owner is not automatically made a member of the list.
  • Check the list of subscribers. If there is an email address that is malformed (ie. is missing an @ symbol, has a comma in it instead of a period, has a period at the end of the email address, etc.) then the message will not be delivered and there will be no notification that the delivery failed.
  • There is a limit to the size of an attachment that you can include with a message. If it's too big then it will be sent to the list owner indicating that the message size is too big and can't be sent to the list. This option can be set in the Options section of the Mailing List Management Utility , under Max Message Length. The size is set in bytes. The default for new mailing lists is 500,000 bytes (about 500 Kbs). For old mailing lists, it was either 40,000 or 100,000 bytes (depending on how long ago the list was created). There may still be some old mailing lists still around.
  • The list may be moderated and the message may have to be approved by the Administrator before it gets sent to the list. All messages sent to a moderated list are redirected to the Administrator for approval.

I'm a list administrator. Why can't I access the web-based Mailing List Management Utility?

The person who creates the mailing list with their Interchange or Netinfo account is the mailing list 'owner'. This is the only person who has access to the web Mailing List Management Utility for the list on the Interchange web site. Administrators are people who have been added to the administrator list by the owner. These people may approve messages and make changes to the config file via email (using Majordomo), but they will not have access to the web utility. To make an Administrator the owner of the list, please refer to How do I transfer ownership of the list to someone else?

Large attachments don't seem to get through on the list. How can I increase the size allowed?

When you create a mailing list, the default maximum message length is 500,000 bytes (about 500 Kbs). If you need to increase this, try the following:
  • Log into the Mailing List Management Utility .
  • Select your mailing list that you want to modify and click Edit.
  • Click on the Options tab.
  • Under Max Message Length, set the size (in bytes) to whatever you like.
    • Try to avoid setting this too high to prevent someone from posting a really large message and filling up everyone's mailboxes. 
  • Click on Update List.
You should now be able to send messages that are up whatever maximum size (Max Message Length) you specified.

Note: For old mailing lists, the default maximum message length is either 40,000 or 100,000 bytes, depending on how old the list is. There may still be some old mailing lists still around.

Why do I get this error: "INTERNAL: application 'maillist' not available (unable to dispatch)"?

This is a common issue and is simply resolved by performing the action that you just attempted again. Occasionally the connection to the Mailing List Management Utility application cannot be made and it results in this error. There is nothing to worry about - even if it complains that it cannot find your mailing list. Just try again and it should work.

If you continuously get this error then please contact us. There may be a problem with the mailing list management application, although this is extremely rare.