
If you are not the administrative/business owner of the database:
  • The administrative or business owner of the database would have to provide authorization before the account would be granted. Please contact the administration/business owner for the database and ask that they request the account on your behalf.

If you are the administration/business owner of the database:

Yes, in almost all cases, subscribing to UBC IT VSS is a requirement before engaging UBC IT Database Administration. For other situations, it is possible that an exception may be made, however there may be additional support costs or limits on the type and quality of support available.
For Oracle Enterprise systems there is an option for after hours support.

For MySQL and SQL Server, afterhours support is best-effort only.

There are several different tools available for this purpose. If you'd like more information on how to proceed, please complete the Database Service Request web form indicating your interest in centralized monitoring for your database.
Please complete the Database Service Request web form, indicating the details of your request, including contact information.
Please complete the Database Service Request web form , indicating that you'd like to request a consultation. Please include the details of the area that you'd like to discuss and include contact information.

Please contact the IT Service Centre, providing your contactin info and indicating the reason for your request.


UBC IT has a campus license for a limited set of Oracle products, including Oracle Enterprise. For more information on the licensed Oracle products, please see the UBC Software Licensing website.
You'll need to request this via the ITSC Webform. Please see the UBC Software Licensing website.
Oracle network configurations files for Oracle client installations can be copied from \\teamshare.ead.ubc.ca\team\slms\desktopapps\Oracle\config. An EAD account is required. Typically copy sqlnet.ora, ldap.ora and in some cases tnsnames.ora to your local <oracle_home>\network\admin folder.


UBC IT has a campus license for a limited set of Oracle products, including Oracle MySQL Enterprise. Please see the Oracle software licensing page for more information on the licensed Oracle products.
This can be obtained from the MySQL website. Please note that this is not the same as Oracle's MySQL Enterprise Edition for which we have a campus license.

SQL Server

Yes, you need to purchase a license from Microsoft in order to use SQL Server (2008/2012). UBC, in some cases, has preferential pricing for Microsoft products. Please refer to the Server Operating Systems and Applications page for more information.