Project Approach

UBC IT will migrate Voice Mail subscribers to the new Voice Mail service on a department-by-department basis.

Initially, most accounts created on the new Voice Mail service will be Voice Mail-Only, providing functionality similar to that found in the current Octel-based service.


March 2011

UBC IT will complete technical activities related to the implementation of Exchange 2010 Unified Messaging, and integration with the phone system.

April 2011

UBC IT will request UBC DVAs (Departmental Voice Administrators) to update the email addresses for their Voice Mail subscribers. UBC IT will provide a list containing known email addresses for subscribers; DVAs will be asked to validate that the list is correct, and enter any missing information. These email addresses will be used to directly send Voice Mail subscribers their login information and instructions for the new Voice Mail service.

UBC IT will contact departments to schedule migrations to the new Voice Mail service.

May 2011

UBC IT will start migrating departments to the new Voice Mail service.

Migration Process

UBC IT will be coordinating migrations to the new Voice Mail service on a department-by-department basis with DVAs. Most departments will be initially migrated to the Voice Mail-Only service.

  1. The UBC IT Voice Team will schedule a migration date with the designated DVA (Departmental Voice Administrator)
  2. UBC IT will send a notification to departmental Voice Mail subscribers before the day of the migration
  3. The new voice mail boxes or unified messaging accounts will be provisioned. Voice Mail subscribers will receive their account information and instructions via email.

After the migration has occurred, subscribers will be able to access their voice mail box by pressing the “messages” button on their phone. They will also need to record a new greeting; old voice mail messages and greetings will not be transferred from Octel.

Octel voice mail boxes will continue to be available for 14 days following a departmental migration, providing time to review any messages for reference. After 14 days have passed, Octel voice mail boxes will be removed.