Archived Projects

UBC's Information Technology department has many initiatives underway, and information about large projects will be regularly posted to our website.

A list of current projects and programs can be found below. For information on projects that have been recently completed, please see the Projects Archive

Archived Projects

Project Summary Date Completed
Data Network Upgrades UBC IT has a multi-year project underway from 2007 to 2009 to replace aged core data network routers. During this set of upgrades, the core data network infrastructure, in particular the routers and connections between all the core routers, will be upgraded to 10Gbps. Fri, 01/01/2010
Sun Identity Management System An enterprise identity management service allows people to safely, securely and easily access online resources. UBC IT worked on a proof-of-concept with Sun's identity management system. Thu, 12/31/2009
Clicker Student Response System Clickers are wireless handheld devices that may be used by faculty to create a highly interactive, engaging classroom experience for students. Mon, 09/01/2008
UBCevents In August 2008, a new campus-wide public events calendar called UBCevents replaced the current UBC events calendar called LiveAtUBC as well as the myUBC Events calendar channel. Fri, 08/01/2008
Contact Center Selection and Implementation Details
HR Finance Renewal Program
Klinck Data Centre Renovation The Klinck Data Centre Renovation addresses the issues of increased power requirements, lack of cooling capacity for existing heat loads and backup motor generator and UPS power required to support IT services at UBC. Without the upgrades, existing services would be at risk and there would be no capacity for additional services.
UBC Phone Migration UBC IT is upgrading phones at the UBC Point Grey campus to Cisco VoIP as part of a scheduled telephone system refresh.
