Enterprise Active Directory (EAD) Upgrade


Enterprise Active Directory Domain Controllers will be upgraded from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2012r2 for better stability, reliability, and performance. Once the upgrade is complete, current Domain Controllers (DC1, DC6, DC7, and DC8) will be retired.  Applications that are not able to connect to Windows Server 2012r2 once it is in production will not be functioning.


  • Enhance stability, reliability, and performance of domain controllers


  • Prior to November 14, 2015 – Test environment build.  UBC Campus-wide testing and verification of appliciations
  • November 14, 2015 - Launch New Domain Controllers production
  • November 18 to 27, 2015 – Decommission of Legacy Domain Controller Servers

No outages are expected, however, should you encounter any issues, please contact the IT Help Desk at 7-HELP (604-827-4357) or www.it.ubc.ca/helpdesk.
