IT Transformation Project

Note: This listing is an archived project


IT Transformation is intended to identify, develop and deploy new ways of delivering information services to the university community at large, such that unit delivery costs can be reduced, enablement of teaching and research is improved, operational risks are better mitigated and the environmental sustainability profile of UBC is improved.

This Program will define and implement strategic transformational changes that will help transition the university’s information technology landscape from being very decentralized into an integrated IT service function that is balanced between central and distributed, uses common standards, follows common processes and shares resources.


IT Transformation includes a number of initiatives with two main goals:

  •  Develop solutions for UBC IT and any department or faculty who chooses to consider its use to reduce costs, improve IT for learning and teaching, reduce operational risk or improve environmental sustainability.
  • Enable UBC IT to better support departments and faculties in their IT needs, by strengthening our own processes and tools, increasing our risk awareness and enhancing our professional development abilities.


  • Update #2 December 8, 2009 Received new batch of thin clients - we are ahead of schedule

  • Update #1 December 7, 2009 New status report posted - all indicators are green


Note: This listing is an archived project