UBC IT and MedIT will be engaging in a network enhancement project on the Vancouver General Hospital campus. This network upgrade is required to support the current and future needs of education and research by improving network capacity and accessibility.
This initiative continues the work that was started in the Healthcare Campus Network Enhancement project. That project replaced physical hardware at VGH at other sites. This project continues the upgrade by implementing a new network design which will enhance performance and security. The long-term benefits of this initiative include a more robust and efficient UBC network, which will help enable easier access to UBC services in the future. At this time only UBC network users on the VGH campus will be impacted by this project.
- Implement a more robust and efficient network design at VGH campus
- Create a more stable network due to refreshed hardware
- Improve network management for better network service delivery
- Implement foundational network changes that, in future, will help enable greater access to UBC services (e.g. educloud, storage grid, Workspace, and more) and access to high performance research networks
Impact for Network Users
Changes to the network will occur outside of working hours. If you are connected to the UBC network in one of the impacted buildings, there will be a few seconds network outage as part of the migration. You may have to restart your computer the morning after changes occur.
People will be transitioned to the upgraded network building by building. You will get notification of the change from the MedIT Service Desk approximately a week in advance.
Initial pilot phases started November 2, 2015 with select users testing the full operations of the network change and reporting any challenges to ensure a smooth migration. The target timeline to migrate the majority of clients is June 30th, 2016. There are some clients and servers that will require more planning and these migrations are expected to be completed by the end of 2016.
If you are experiencing any connectivity issues during the pilot test phase, please fill out this form or contact MedIT at 1.877.266.0666 (option 1 for IT) or via email at medit.servicedesk@ubc.ca and a network analyst will contact you to help resolve the issue.