Video/Web Conferencing Bridge Replacement


The Blue Jeans video conferencing service delivered to UBC through BCNet will be ending in May 2015. The university has recognized that there is a need to continue offering a conference bridge service at a reasonable cost.

UBC, in partnership with other Higher Education BC institutions, is participating in a tender (Request for Proposal process) to gather bids from potential vendors and to select a cost-effective online/video/web conferencing bridge service that can be implemented at UBC.


The process for selecting a new conferencing bridge service is still underway and due to this the Blue Jeans video conferencing service will be extended until further notice


  • Why can’t we continue to use Blue Jeans Conference Bridge?

    Blue Jeans is participating in the RFP, so there is a chance that we will continue to use the Blue Jeans video conference bridge. However, if a different product is chosen based on the selection criteria, Blue Jeans will be replaced.

  • Will I have to pay for the new service?

    A replacement service has not been selected yet, so we are not able to determine a pricing model at this time. However, in the future, there may be a nominal fee to use the UBC video conference bridge service.

  • When will this change happen?

    This change will happen after a new video conference bridge service is selected.
