Workspace 2.0 Upgrade FAQ


All staff and faculty are eligible for a Workspace 2.0 account. In order to access the service, an Enterprise Active Directory (EAD) account is required. For instructions on how to sign up for an EAD account, visit this page
UBC Workspace 2.0 is implementing the latest upgrade to its platform on August 5, 2017. The upgrade will enhance user experience, which includes features such as an improved file synchronization across devices and larger file size for uploads.
This upgrade is focused on addressing the gaps and improvements for the existing Workspace service based on the feedback from users. We are still exploring long-term options for cloud-based tools, such as Microsoft Cloud.
From August 5, 2017 6 AM to August 6, 2017 6 AM. During this time, Workspace users will not be able to access the service, which will affect external users that may need to access to links and files that have been shared with them.
Workspace is hosted on-premise and complies with Canadian, Provincial, and UBC security requirements.
UBC is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), part of which states that faculty and staff cannot store personal information outside of Canada without written consent. Many popular file sharing services, such as DropBox or Google Drive, are based in the United States or overseas. As such, using these services to collect, store, transmit, or access personal information is a violation of FIPPA.


No, there is no need to migrate your data to the upgraded Workspace.
Some of the major changes you’ll notice on the upgrade for Workspace are:
  • A more robust and simplified desktop sync client. Mac or Windows Operating System users that uses a desktop sync client will need to update and install the new client. The old client is no longer compatible. Any changes to current files accessed via the desktop sync client will not be uploaded. There are no changes to users that access the service via the web browser client.
    • Download the Desktop Sync Client: You can find the instructions on how to download and install the desktop sync client here. We kindly ask that you update your desktop client at your earliest convenience.
  • File synchronization between clients and users is more reliable and faster
    • Users with a Mac Operating system will have a full file integration
    • Users on desktop clients will be able to select individual folders to synchronize
  • File size upload will increase from 2GB to 8GB
Like all other file sharing software, there are limitations to what it can provide and support. Below is a list of known issues and the status of resolution from the upgrade:
Issue Resolution Status

When connecting to Workspace with a desktop client, you receive the message:
"Password Expired. Please log in again"


Files exceeding 2047MB (Just under 2GB) are not properly uploading

Resolved. Users will be able to upload files up to 8GB

Empty files not able to be uploaded to Workspace via web browser or a desktop sync client

Still an issue

Downloading files, using Firefox, where the file has a space in its name, may result in downloading a file with a truncated name.


Having special characters (e.g. \/:*?"<>|) in filenames will impact synchronizing with desktop synch clients

Still an issue. Unfortunately, this is an operating system limitation and not something that the product can resolve.

The maximum path length including the file name and enclosing folders is 260 characters

Still an issue.Unfortunately, this is an operating system limitation and not something that the product can resolve.

The latest upgrade will not include support for Linux operating systems. The vendor's roadmap currently does not include support for Linux operating systems.
There will not be any changes to your files during the upgrade.
There will not be any changes to your folders during the upgrade.
There will no change to the URL of your shared files. You will not need to re-send any links after the upgrade.
The client installation file, “Secure Content Locker Sync.exe” may require administrative access on your computer. If you currently do not have administrative access, please contact your IT administrator for support.
The error message above will display if you’re still using the old desktop client after the server upgrade is complete. The old client is not compatible with the latest version of Workspace and will not permit syncing of new changes made to a file or folder with the server post-upgrade. Please download the latest version of the client on the Workspace Upgrade project page.

Training and Support

For more information, please visit the Workspace 2.0 Project Page
Yes, we will be hosting information sessions once the upgrade is complete. Please visit our Project Page for a list of scheduled sessions.
Please contact the IT Help Desk if you have any questions or concerns at