Voice Mail Commands

Looking for information about the new Voice Mail service? UBC IT is deploying a new voice mail system for the university. If you have been migrated to the new voice mail system, please navigate to the Voice Mail Upgrade Project page for information and how-to guides.

To access the UBC voice mail system

  1. From your campus phone
    • dial 2.2010
    • enter: password
  2. From another campus phone
    • dial 2.2010
    • enter:#  plus your mailbox number plus password
  3. From off-campus
    • dial 604.822.2010
    • enter #  plus your mailbox number plus password

Touchtone Interface

From the Main Menu
You can press:

  • 1 - Voice Mail
  • 4 - Find a Contact,/
  • 5 - Compose a Voice Message
  • 6 - Personal Options
  • 0 - Repeat Menu

If you select Voice Mail, voice mail messages are played, with "from" and "date" indicated.

If you select Personal Options
You can press:

  • 1 - Turn On/Off Telephone Out of Office Status
  • 2 - Record Greetings
  • 3 - Change PIN
  • 4 - Use the Touchtone or Voice Interface
  • 5 - Set Local Time Zone
  • 6 - Use 12- or 24-Hour Time Format
  • * - Return to Main Menu
  • 0 - Repeat This Menu

If you press 2 to Record Greetings
You can press:

  • 1 - Record Personal Greeting
  • 2 - Record Out of Office Greeting
  • 3 - Record Your Name (Voice Signature)
  • * - Cancel
  • 0 - Repeat this menu

While Listening to Voice Mail Messages
You can press:

  • 1 - Rewind (rewinds a few seconds)
  • 11 - Repeat (goes back to beginning)
  • 2 - Pause (press any key to continue)
  • 3 - Fast Forward
  • 33 - Skip to End
  • 4 - Slower
  • 6 - Faster
While or After Listening to Voice Mail Messages
You can press:

  • # - Next Message
  • 44 - Flag for Follow-up
  • 5 - Envelope Information
  • 7 - Delete
  • *7 - Restore
  • 8 - Reply
  • 9 - Mark as unread
  • 0 - Repeat this menu
  • * (star) - Exit to Main Menu
  • 00 - More Options

After Listening to Voice Mail Messages
You can press:

  • 1 - Replay message
  • 11 - Previous Message
  • 2 - Call this contact
  • 6 - Forward Message