UBC Phone Migration

Note: This listing is an archived project


UBC IT has begun an upgrade of phones at the UBC Vancouver campus to Cisco VoIP as part of a scheduled telephone system refresh. Due to ongoing issues with the Henry Angus telephone switch, the switch to Cisco VoIP has been accelerated. All traditional land line users on the Henry Angus telephone switch will be moving to VoIP services (excluding fax, modem and alarm lines) beginning with critical services (services affecting life and safety).


  • The VoIP Migration Project will provide a reliable platform for the University's phone system
  • Legacy Nortel phones will be replaced with Cisco VoIP in many areas across campus (see the Building Schedule for more information).
  • The project team will contact Departmental Voice Administrators (DVAs), as their areas are scheduled to be migrated to VoIP.
  • About 4500 users will be moved off of the Henry Angus PBX to VoIP.


timeline for voip migration project

For each building, the migration entails two steps:

Step 1 – Phone Deployment: Team creates list of services by building and confirms it with the department’s DVAs, then inactive VoIP telephones are placed on each desk.

Step 2 – Cutover: Team communicates the exact cutover date to the departmental DVAs and on that day, the VoIP telephones are activated. After the cutover, Pinnacle is updated.





Note: This listing is an archived project